Divorce Story Pilot Shoot, August 24
This TV show stuff has been a real rollercoaster ride! Twenty-four hours before the shoot the production company calls and tells us that they just want me, and not my co-mediation partner, to do the pilot shoot. I know she was disappointed—we were both really looking forward to working together on this. But it’s so odd—the test was sold based on us working in a co-mediation model, not to mention the fact that I haven’t mediated a case on my own in a long, long time. So now suddenly they do a big change-up, and I need to be prepared to face these clients, and TV cameras, alone. www.pilgrim-films.com.
They found me from my web site, www.peace-talks.com, which never ceases to amaze me. If I didn't have a web site, or a blog, http://www.peace-talks.com/divorcemediation/index.php, would I be invisible? But what a great way for a little business like mine to make its presence as big as its heart.
I also learned that Pilgrim meant it when they said we could be re-cast at any time, and that they wanted to use other mediators, not just Peace Talks. Of course, I told ‘em to go ahead, ‘cos I knew that they’d never to find 2 mediators who work together in the way that Tara and I do… I’d say we’re an interesting mix of top notch mediators plus a hint of Laurel & Hardy. I mean that in a nice way. Well, Pilgrim did indeed find another mediator. I managed to weasel the name out of the producer and gave that other gal a call. I don’t think I’m in any danger of being re-cast after my discussion with her, but you never know. She was willing to offer up her client list to the TV producers, which I wasn’t willing to do, and this show is hard to cast….so you never know.
Oh, and forget what I said about a “sane, middle-class couple” being cast in the pilot. Of course, they found a beautiful middle-class couple who live in a fabulous McMansion, but that’s where the sanity stops, for sure. The allegations that were flying—whoa, Nellie! Of course, I can’t say what the crazy secrets were, but the director said afterwards that she was watching my face when the wife blurted out her worst suspicions and that I didn’t even flinch. It was quite a revelation, however! No worries—this will make for some great TV!
At one point the client was yelling at the top of her lungs and then suddenly, under her breath, she mutters, “well, this is gonna make for some great TV.” And she wasn’t kidding!
All in all, the shoot went just as well as it possibly could have gone, at least from my perspective. I looked great in my Spanx and blue St. John jacket (hello, E-Bay! www.ebay.com or www.stjohnwholesale.com LOL) with my blow-out. I was at the top of my game. I was poignant, and brilliant, and spoke almost exclusively in sound bites. Hopefully I won’t be completely edited out!
So when I got back to the office the next day I de-briefed with Tara, http://www.peace-talks.com/fass.php, my mediation partner, and we came up with all kinds of interesting tidbits so that if I need to stir the pot next time. I can’t wait to share the juicy details with everyone-----so I’ll keep you posted!
Labels: and still shouldn't, I never used to trade on my looks