Take Me to the Pilot

Okay, the day’s almost here. Time to film the pilot for Divorce Story, our reality show about divorce mediation with Pilgrim Films and TV (American Chopper). Fingers crossed, it will be on-air in January 2007 . www.pilgrim-films.com. They found me via my web site, www.peace-talks.com. Can you believe it?
Fingers crossed for us---we film on August 24 at noon in the divorcing couple’s home near LA.
I’m so glad that Pilgrim finally found a couple to mediate on TV. Divorce is such a lonely and personal process, I’m surprised they found a reasonable, sane middle-class couple to agree to do it on television….but they did! And it should make for amazing television, at least in a documentary sort of way, as opposed, say, to Fear Factor. Or at least I hope so. www.wikipedia.org/mediation.
The plan is that the show is mostly about the people themselves, and how they come to the realization that their marriage is over and the journey that they take into and through the process. The mediation itself is only part of the program, and only part of the story. http://www.peace-talks.com/what.php
As a mediator, it will be interesting for me to be able to compare what I see in the mediation room with what I see of the back story and in-between session footage.
I hope that the contrast of what actually happens in the mediation room is not so different than what makes it to TV. That’s what I’m most worried about---I have to worry about the integrity of our mediation practice. As a professional, I can’t portray mediation as a circus, but as a participant in a TV show I have no influence over how it’s edited together.
My biggest wish is that people watch the show and realize what a great option mediation is for handling a divorce or custody matter. I hope that I can be a part of promoting mediation on the first nationally televised show about divorce mediation. This is a tremendous opportunity for me, and for the profession. All I can do is bring my best.
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